Fished a split trip today due to near windless conditions from 915am to 1:30pm. AM and PM reports appear separately.
Start Time: 3:45p
End Time: 5:25p
Air Temp: 43F at sunrise, warming to 68 by mid afternoon, then falling off into the 50’s as a dry cold front blew through
Water Temp: 63.8F
Wind: Winds were light but steady from the W at 6 from pre-dawn until 8:00am and then died to light and variable until early afternoon when a cold front arrived, turning winds NW at 22 with gusts to 25.
Skies: Skies were clear and bright under high pressure all day.
As is often the case with dry cold fronts in the fall, the fish were in overdrive during the high wind period on the lead edge of the front.
I searched for fish on main lake humps, and fished on the windward side of these features. I found congregations of fish at Areas 306 (18 fish), 149 (11 fish) and 54 (5 fish), in that order.
The setup was similar at each location. Fish were located on the highest point of the feature, very tight to the bottom, and were clustered tightly together. As soon as the slab reached bottom, there would be a several-minute long flurry of activity with fish responding to a smoking retrieve, then the fish would wise up and settle down a bit, but still hit well, often on a still slab. After that, the school would disperse and the bite was over and it was time to go looking again.
The sun set at 5:28 today, and the bite was over by about 5:10pm.
TALLY = 34 FISH, all caught and released
Bob Maindelle, Owner, Holding The Line Guide Service and Kids Fish, Too! Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide, Belton Lake Fishing Guide, Lake Georgetown Fishing Guide, Walter E. Long (Decker) Lake Fishing Guide. Offering Salado Fishing, Killeen Fishing and Ft. Hood Fishing