Fished a split trip today due to near windless conditions from 915am to 1:30pm. AM and PM reports appear separately.
Start Time: 6:45a
End Time: 9:15a
Air Temp: 43F at trip’s start, warming to 68 by mid afternoon, then falling off into the 50’s as a dry cold front blew through
Water Temp: 63.8F
Wind: Winds were light but steady from the W at 6 from pre-dawn until 8:00am and then died to light and variable until early afternoon when a cold front arrived, turning winds NW at 22 with gusts to 25.
Skies: Skies were clear and bright under high pressure all day.
Going off a hunch based on weather conditions, I headed to between Areas 257 and 112 and found schooled white bass driving shad to the surface just before, during, and immediately after sunrise. Due to the lack of cloud cover, as soon as the sun fully shone on the water, the fish were gone. During the feed, I caught 28 fish here on both a blade bait and on the Cork Rig. This catch included 3 drum, 1 short largemouth, and 24 white bass to 13 inches.
After this short feed, things went quiet. I picked up 2 largemouth on a flatline troll at Area 999, and then downrigged the Area 54 complex while watching sonar and only managed 1 additional white bass, and two short largemouth. No concentrations of fish were seen over this entire area.
By 9:15 the surface was glassy and the fish were done.
TALLY = 33 FISH, all caught and released
Bob Maindelle, Owner, Holding The Line Guide Service and Kids Fish, Too! Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide, Belton Lake Fishing Guide, Lake Georgetown Fishing Guide, Walter E. Long (Decker) Lake Fishing Guide. Offering Salado Fishing, Killeen Fishing and Ft. Hood Fishing