Fished a Thanksgiving Day morning trip on Stillhouse today with Ron, Jeff, and Zach Z. — 3 generations.
Start Time: 6:30a
End Time: 9:15a
Air Temp: 55F at sunrise (obscured), warming to 72 by mid afternoon.
Water Temp: 62.0F
Wind: Winds were light and variable right at sunrise, then went flat calm by 9a. By mid afternoon the winds picked up at about 8-9 from the ESE in advance of a wet cold front due in overnight.
Skies: Skies were leaden grey all day. Periodically the clouds would thin and the sky would brighten, but the clouds never broke.
We planned ahead for a “modified” short trip today because 1) little Zach is only 2 1/2 and we knew his attention span is short, and 2) its Thanksgiving, and sometimes wives don’t think much of extended fishing adventures on national holidays.
We got on the water at 6:30a, and kept on eye on the surface for fish and bait activity, and on the sky for birds. While looking about in the area I expected fish to be at, we flatline trolled with Bombers without result for just a few minutes. Right at 6:45, the first white bass broke the surface chasing after shad, and then there was another, and another, and the game was on!! We quietly eased into the fish with the trolling motor and began sight casting and fancasting to the white bass with blade baits. Although there were fish feeding at the top, the vast majority were still bottom oriented, so we kept our baits near bottom.
Long story short, in 1 hour and 20 minutes, the 3 of us (aided by Zach here and there) landed 77 fish including 2 largemouth bass, 3 drum, and 72 white bass, all between Area 112 and Area 257. The average size of the white bass was a solid 12.5 inches with some larger, but few short of the 10 inch mark. These fish were healthy looking, and all had full, but not over-stuffed, bellies.
Jeff landed his personal best on this trip, a 5.25 pound largemouth that nailed his bladebait and then headed toward Coryell County. Jeff played it well and brought it to net for a few photos before we released her.
By 8:05 this action died. The skies lightened at this time, the winds went flat calm, and the few birds that were around had gone to rest. None of this bode well for continued success. We tried a flatline troll betwee Area 115 and Area 123 and picked up one 11 inch white bass.
We then headed to Area 110 and picked up 2 more 11-12 inch white bass also on a flatline troll. By 9:15 things had ground to a halt and we all knew it was Turkey Time.
A pretty amazing 80 fish trip, all in under 3 hours.
TALLY = 80 fish, all caught and released
Bob Maindelle, Owner Holding The Line Guide Service and Kids Fish, Too! Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide, Belton Lake Fishing Guide, Lake Georgetown Fishing Guide, Walter E. Long (Decker) Lake Fishing Guide. Offering Salado Fishing, Killeen Fishing and Ft. Hood Fishing