This morning I fished with 10 year old Luis Garcia on Stillhouse Hollow. This was a “SKIFF” (Soldiers’ Kids Involved in Fishing Fun) trip — the 10th one of 2013 — each sponsored by the Austin Fly Fishers who donate time and money and raise funds to offer these trips free of charge to our military families.
Luis got a lunker!! This largemouth weighed 5.5 pounds on my certified scale. Looking at the eyes and condition of the fish, it was well past its prime and probably weighed a few pounds more at its peak. Regardless, Luis’ eyes were big as saucers when she broke water on her first of two jumps.
Luis is the son of Jacky Garcia and step-son of Staff Sergeant Jesus Garcia. SSG Garcia is currently deployed to Afghanistan for a 9 month tour. He has been deployed twice before, for 15 months and 13 months. SSG Garcia is and artilleryman with the 3-83 Field Artillery unit.
Downrigging was the key to success today. With the very hot, bright, still conditions, the fish go deep and suspend. The horizontal motion of the downriggers is a trigger for these fish when vertical presentations pale by comparison. Although we did catch a few fish on topwater early and via a “smoking” retrieve with slabs, the downriggers just blew everything else away.
We fished just two areas today: Area 058/250/251 and Area 1237/1233/459. At both areas we set our downriggers for 23-27 feet over a 35+ foot bottom and that put our lures (Pet Spoons fished on a tandem rig to present 2 lures at once) right on the fishes’ noses.
Luis had never caught a fish before in his life, and his first fish was actually two!! At our first spot, we had two 12.5 inch white bass strike the tandem rig on the port side downrigger and Luis brought two fish in at the same time. This would happen on at least a half-dozen more occasions over the rest of the trip.
When I asked Luis about his step-dad, he was very proud to tell me about him being in the artillery. He told me some stories about being able to take a tour of his dad’s unit’s vehicles and weapons systems at the annual family day held at Ft. Hood.
Luis was really enthusiastic about getting to fish and earning a TPWD “First Fish Award” on this trip. I appreciate each of you who give your time and money and energy and encouragement to make this program possible.
TALLY = 57 FISH, all caught and released
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Start Time: 6:30a
End Time: 10:30a
Air Temp: 81F at trip’s start.
Water Surface Temp: 86F
Wind: Winds were S6 at sunrise and slowly tapered to just a light S. breeze < 2mph.
Skies: Fair with < 10% cloud cover.
Bob Maindelle
Holding the Line Guide Service
Salado, Texas