WHO I FISHED WITH: This past Thursday evening I fished with Sophal “Paul” Korng of Harker Heights and his friend, Stan Myer. Both men are originally from Cambodia and came to the U.S. in the late 80’s. Paul and his family established the “Top Donut” chain of stores around Central Texas. My two-man crew really paid attention to the details of the snap-jigging tactic which is nearly mandatory in this still-cold water. Thanks to that attention to detail, they began to catch fish right off the bat and just got better as the afternoon went on. I first got to know Paul when a friend and fishing client, Jerry Worley, referred Paul to me after learning of his interest in fishing.
Sophal (Paul) Korng of Harker Heights landed several nice largemouth and his fair share of our 100+ white bass as the water slowly warms on Lake Belton.
Stan Myer, who recently moved to Central Texas from Oregon where he fished routinely for sturgeon, put all of the keeper hybrid we landed today in the boat during a short spurt of activity under birds around 4pm. This one went 4.25 pounds.
WHAT WE FISHED FOR: This was a multi-species trip focused on white bass using artificial lures.
WHEN WE FISHED: Thursday evening, 08 February 2018
HOW WE FISHED: We fished vertically 100% of the time this evening. We fished 3/8 oz. slabs with Hazy Eye Stingers in deep water for smaller fish when bird activity was lacking, then switched over to 3/4 oz. slabs and used a slow-smoking tactic under birds for more aggressive, large white bass and hybrid.
OBSERVATIONS/NOTES: 1) The water temperature was up to 52.1 from a low of 47.4 just about 3 weeks ago. 2) The fish we found (albeit briefly during the wind shift) under birds were active and suspended. They responded best to a slow-smoked slab. 3) The fish we found on bottom with sonar were all 2017 year class fish; the suspended fish under birds were primarily larger, 2015 year class fish – some of the consistently largest white bass I’ve seen since October.
TALLY: 111 FISH, all caught and released
Start Time: 2:00p
End Time: 6:05p
Air Temp. @ Trip’s Start: 53F
Water Surface Temp: 52.1F
Wind Speed & Direction: NNE3-6 at trip’s start, then shifting ENE6-8 with an increase of clouds around 4:00pm
Sky Conditions: 30% high, thin white cloud cover, increasing slowly to grey 90% coverage by trip’s end
Water Level: 3.45 feet low
GT = 0
**Area vic B0026C
**Area B0031C and one short hop shallower under birds
**Area vic 1945
**Area B0032C after seeing 2 terns look “fishy”
Bob Maindelle, Central Texas Fishing Guide
Owner, Holding the Line Guide Service
254.368.7411 (call or text)
Website: www.HoldingTheLineGuideService.com
E-mail: Bob@HoldingTheLineGuideService.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bobmaindelle
Twitter: www/twitter.com/bobmaindelle