WHO I FISHED WITH: This morning, Thursday, July 20th, I fished with 10-year-old Miss Adi Zwern from just west of Houston.  Adi was accompanied by her grandpa, Larry Brewer, and by a friend of the family, Blake Hoekstra.

This was a “Kids Fish, Too!” trip where Adi did all the catching.  These trips are a bit shorter and a good bit less expensive than my standard 4+ hour adult trips.

Each year Adi’s grandparents in Georgetown, Texas, have her in for a visit, and, for the past several years, that visit has included a fishing trip just for her.

Adi did it all today, and all by herself.  She rigged the downriggers, landed all the fish, held and returned the fish to the water, cast her MAL Lures horizontally, and smoked her MAL Lures vertically.

Despite pretty tough conditions, she came away with a 25-fish, multi-species catch.

Here’s how the fishing went…


Here’s an up-to-date calendar so you can check availability:

Next available dates are July 31 & August 21 (AM)


PHOTO CAPTION:  That’s Adi Zwern, age 10, front and center.  Behind her is her grandpa, Larry Brewer, and behind Larry is his long-time friend, Blake Hoekstra.  Adi landed 25 fish on Stillhouse today using a variety of tactics.

WHERE WE FISHED: Stillhouse Hollow Reservoir

WHEN WE FISHED: Thursday, 20 July 2023 (AM)


Fishing continued to be pretty tough on Stillhouse.  We witnessed next to no topwater action and found very few large schools of white bass.  Those schools we found were moving very quickly and, despite catching fish from these schools and drawing them in with the commotion created by the splasher, these fish did not tend to stick around very long.

We alternated between downrigging and working MAL Heavy Lures with white tails vertically (primarily) in conjunction with Garmin LiveScope.

We found fish in a number of locations and, most of those locations gave up fish, but only a handful at best.  As Larry put it, “Sometimes you get the chicken, and sometimes you just get feathers.”  Today was a “featherful” kind of day.

Adi landed a total of 25 fish, including 23 white bass (with 2 small young-of-the-year fish in that count), 1 freshwater drum (which “croaked” at her!!), and 1 largemouth bass.

TALLY: 25 fish caught and released.

See a tutorial on the Smoking Method here:

Here is a tutorial on the Sawtooth Method:

Find the entire family of MAL Lures  here:

OBSERVATIONS:  1) We landed two “young-of-the-year” white bass this morning.  This was the first of the new crop of fish I’ve witnessed year-to-date.  2) This was the temperature profile on Stillhouse taken before sunrise on 19 July…

0 feet, 86.4F
5 feet, 87.2F
10 feet, 87.3F
15 feet, 87.3F
20 feet, 87.3F
25 feet, 87.0F
30 feet, 84.2F
35 feet, 75.6F
40 feet, 69.6F
45 feet, 67.4F
50 feet, 65.5F
55 feet, 62.2F



Start Time: 6:25A

End Time: 10:38A

Air Temp. @ Trip’s Start: 79F

Elevation: 15.23 feet low, 1 CFS flow, 0.06′ drop over the last 24-hours

Water Surface Temp: 86.4F on the surface.

Wind Speed & Direction:  SSW11-13 all morning

Sky Condition: 0% cloud cover

Moon Phase: Waxing crescent moon at 7% illumination.

GT = 55




No one area really produced strongly this morning.


Bob Maindelle

Full-time, Professional Fishing Guide and Owner of Holding the Line Guide Service

Belton Lake Fishing Guide, Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide

254.368.7411 (call or text)





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