CLIENTS: This morning, Monday, 28 Oct., I fished with first-time guests Danny Teague and Dennis Sohns. Both men worked many years for, then retired from, Wilsonart International, headquartered in Temple, TX. Wilsonart produces high-pressure decorative laminate for countertops, cabinetry, and more. During my own nine years of employment there between the military and ministry, I got to know both men. This morning’s trip was Danny’s retirement present to Dennis.
DATE: Monday, 28 October 2024 (AM)
NEXT OPEN DATES: Next open dates: 18, 22 November (weekday AMs and PMs). Next Saturday opening: 30 November (AM)
PHOTO CAPTION: From left: Wilsonart “old timers” Danny Teague and Dennis Sohns celebrated Dennis’ retirement from the Temple laminate manufacturer with a morning fishing trip on Lake Belton. The pair landed 152 fish.
PHOTO CAPTION: The ~5/8 oz. MAL Original with chartreuse tail (above) accounted for 127 of our 152 fish, with the 1 3/8 oz. White Tornado catching the balance of 25 fish. The White Tornado, with its much greater weight and larger profile accounted for better quality fish.
Excellent fishing continued this morning as pre-frontal warming in advance of an incoming cold front squeezed the atmosphere and got winds blowing over 10 mph before sunrise. Those winds increased to 14 mph by trip’s end. Add to that a bit of cloud cover, and the fuse was lit for a great morning of fishing.
We fished six areas this morning and found fish tight to the bottom at all of them.
The first three areas gave up a total of 82 fish to a smoking tactic as Danny and Dennis used MAL Original lures vertically in conjunction with Garmin LiveScope.
We visited a fourth area after seeing a solid congregation of fish on side imaging, but, once we got set up on top of them, the fishing didn’t go as well as I anticipated. I looked at side-imaging once again and saw the fish had shifted off to our starboard side, so, I had Danny and Dennis cast White Tornados (1 3/8 oz. version in white) cross-wind to these fish in ~42′. The two men took 25 fish here. It was interesting to note that the fish they caught here averaged a much better size. I suspect this was thanks to the larger profile of the slab portion of this bait being too large to be of interest to smaller fish.
We went on to fish two more areas using the vertical tactics with MAL Originals, accounting for a total of 152 fish before the bite tapered off to nothing by just after noon.
Here is a tutorial on vertically smoking the MAL Lure:
Here is a tutorial on horizontally “sawtoothing” with the MAL Lure or White Tornado:
LURES USED SUCCESSFULLY ON THIS TRIP: We used MAL Originals (w/ chartreuse tails) vertically, and White Tornados (1 3/8 oz., white) horizontally today. Find all MAL Lures and White Tornados here:
TALLY: 152 fish, including 8 hybrid striped bass, 1 largemouth bass, and 143 white bass.
1) We are in a solid, classic autumn pattern now, which should hold up until the water temperature near bottom falls to around 60F
2) Mornings are much more productive than evenings at this point in the fall.
3) For the fourth consecutive trip now, I saw multiple large (several hundred individuals) schools today in multiple locations as the fish begin to coalesce heading into the fall/winter.
Here was the water temperature profile for Lake Belton, measured with a FishHawk TD device around 7:30 AM on Saturday, 26 Oct….
Start Time: 7:55A
End Time: 12:10P
Air Temp. @ Trip’s Start: 64F
Elevation: 2.13′ low and falling slowly with a 43 cfs flow; .04′ fall in last 24 hours
Water Surface Temp: 75.6F on the surface.
Wind Speed & Direction: SSE11-14 all morning
Sky Condition: White cloud cover on a blue sky starting at 80%, tapering down to <10%.
Moon Phase: Waning gibbous moon at 13% illumination.
GT = 25
Bob Maindelle
Full-time, Professional Fishing Guide and Owner of Holding the Line Guide Service
Belton Lake Fishing Guide, Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide
254.368.7411 (call or text)