31 JANUARY 2008

Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Report by Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide Bob Maindelle

Fished a tough half day morning trip today from 6:45a to 12:00 noon. At launch time the air temp was 53 F and the water surface temp was 50.3F. The winds were light from the west at 6-7 mph.

First order of business was to quickly net some shad. Came up with 2 dozen in about 8 throws and were off to fish before sunup.

With a strong, windy, dry cold front forecast to arrive, our window of opportunity was going to be limited, so I headed where I anticipated fish to show up instead of waiting for signs of fish already present, and the educated guess was good.

Put 3 fish in the boat using slabs (including two beefy white bass and a 3.25 pound largemouth) before the birds started working in the Area 54/102 complex.

Once the sun cleared the cloud bank to the east which yielded the thunderstorms of the past night, the birds started working on the shad pushed to the top by gamefish. Both gulls and terns worked for about 2 hours, but their activity mimicked the fish activity in that they were widely scattered and moving.

Sonar revealed a lot of fish in this area, but the fish were in small, tight schools, some on bottom, some suspended, and none shallower than 16 feet.

Over the two hours that the birds worked, the wind continued to rachet up. During this window we put 16 fish in the boat, all of which were very healthy 12-14 inch white bass. These were taken on slabs, primarily off bottom in 23-34 feet, with occasional suspended fish seen on sonar also taken.

Around 10a, the action started to slow and the wind speeds continued to increase, and were now beyond 20 mph.

I anchored up over a small high spot and put downlines in with shad. I used all my small threadfins first and they got hit well, accounting for 3 more white bass. Once I had to use the larger gizzard shad, we got fewer hits and missed 50% of the hits we got. Over a 75 minutes span, we only added 2 more fish to the count using the gizzards.

By noon, we continued to see fish on sonar, both on bottom and suspended, but these fish were shut down and would not respond to bait or slabs.

We returned to the dock at noon, feeling rather windblown, but glad we had stuck it out in tough conditions for the 2 dozen fish that came over the side.

By 12:30, the National Weather Service reported 29 mph winds gusting to 41. We picked a good time to scoot!

Tally = 24 fish, all caught and released

Bob Maindelle, Owner Holding The Line Guide Service and Kids Fish, Too! Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide, Belton Lake Fishing Guide, Lake Georgetown Fishing Guide, Walter E. Long (Decker) Lake Fishing Guide. Offering Salado Fishing, Killeen Fishing and Ft. Hood Fishing

29 JANUARY 2008

29 JAN 2008

01/30/08 9:36 PM

Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Report by Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide Bob Maindelle

Fished a quick, solo, morning trip this morning on Stillhouse to keep my finger on the pulse of the white bass movement to stage prior to the spawn. I fished from 7am to 10am The air temp. was 62F and the surface temp. was 50.2F. The wind was south at 5-6 at launch time, but tapered up quickly to 20 mph by 11am, and up to 30+ by mid afternoon. As the wind built, it also shifted from the south, through the west and to the north, and the temps dropped sharply down to 38F by sunset.

I searched some uplake areas including some shallow flats and some areas adjacent to the main river channel. There was ample bait showing on sonar, but not much in the way of gamefish. A fair number of terns were working in this area, but none bunched up and actively diving indicating the presence of fish.

I moved back down toward mid-lake and continued to look for birds and at sonar. All was still quiet by 8:30 and with only 1 small white boated at Area 101 during a quick stop there.

Finally, at around 9:45 a small flock of terns ~20 in number began feeding over open water at and between Areas 54 and 102. I got on these as quickly as I could, and wound up catching 13 keeper whites and 1 short largemouth out of this activity in about 30 minutes. These fish were caught with a combination of slabs and horizontal slabs. Then, it was over. No fish, no birds, no nothing. The winds went slack just briefly, and then the wind began to come out of the west as I headed in.

The tally for this trip was 14 white bass and 1 largemouth bass.

Tally = 15 fish, all caught and released

Bob Maindelle, Owner Holding The Line Guide Service and Kids Fish, Too! Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide, Belton Lake Fishing Guide, Lake Georgetown Fishing Guide, Walter E. Long (Decker) Lake Fishing Guide. Offering Salado Fishing, Killeen Fishing and Ft. Hood Fishing

28 JANUARY 2008

Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Report by Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide Bob Maindelle

Fished a quick, solo, evening trip tonight on Stillhouse to keep my finger on the pulse of the white bass movement to stage prior to the spawn. I fished from 3:45pm to 6:30pm. The air temp. was 68F and the surface temp. was 50.2F. The wind was strong from the south at 20+, but tapered out to 4-5mph by sunset.

I searched some uplake areas including some shallow flats and some areas adjacent to the main river channel. There was ample bait showing on sonar, but not much in the way of gamefish. A fair number of terns were working in this area, but none bunched up and actively diving indicating the presence of fish.

I moved back down toward mid-lake and checked out some channel edges and finally spotted small, suspended schools of whites on sonar. These fish were predictably at 12-16 feet deep over the deeper channel ledge in the vicinity of Area 101. I set up to slab over these fish and found them very hesitant to strike a suspended slab either moving or held still. I replaced the slab with a horizontal slab presentation and that did the trick not only on the suspended fish, but also on bottom oriented fish that showed up from time to time.

The slower the wind got, the more the bite faded. By 6p, most everything was over. I then hooked up the downrigger and used sonar to look over the deep flat adjacent to the channel section I was fishing. I found good numbers of small schools of whites, still suspended, between the channel and Area 100, but only got 1 to strike the moving presentation.

The tally for this trip was 23 white bass, of which 21 were legal. All 21 of these fish were beefy females. This was by far the best quality batch of fish I’ve pulled up in a long time.

Tally = 23 white bass, all caught and released

Bob Maindelle, Owner Holding The Line Guide Service and Kids Fish, Too! Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide, Belton Lake Fishing Guide, Lake Georgetown Fishing Guide, Walter E. Long (Decker) Lake Fishing Guide. Offering Salado Fishing, Killeen Fishing and Ft. Hood Fishing

26 JANUARY 2008

Belton Lake Fishing Report by Belton Lake Fishing Guide Bob Maindelle

Fished a Kids Fish, Too! trip today with 4th grader Ryan F. of Harker Heights. Ryan’s dad is serving in Iraq, AND Ryan has 3 sisters at home, so he was overdue for some good old guy-time.

We began our trip at 7:15am and fished until 2:15pm.

At launch time the air temp. was 38F with a heavy fog (thank goodness for GPS) and the water surface temp. was 50-51F.

Bird activity was non-existent due to the fog, so we relied solely on sonar and experience today to get to the fish. We made a 2 hour and 15 minute stop in the vicinity of Area 27 and found scattered whites and small hybrids on bottom in 26 to 28 feet and caught a mixed bag of 13 here before that sluggish action dried up.

I was really proud of Ryan, as he had never fished before — he said the closest thing to fishing he’d ever done was to go crabbing while visiting his uncle in England. He got the hang of slabbing pretty quickly, and, with occasional reminders about watching his technique, he did very well.

By 9:45 the fog was beginning to lift, so we made a run to Area 99. There is a fair slope here from 35 feet up to 23 feet of water with a good, clean bottom. Although the lack of bait on sonar concerned me as we cruised the area, my concerns were set aside as soon as the slabs went down. Over the next 2 hours and 45 minutes we bagged 35 more fish including a long 4.25 pound hybrid for Ryan (the largest of 3 legal hybrids caught today). The best window of action was from 10:30 to 11:45, just as the fog had completely lifted, and a light puff of south wind tried to get started.

By noon the action was over with, and we took a lunch break on the water. Ryan learned the fine art of how to make a good deal while snack-swapping.

As we ate and tallied our catch, we calculated that we were 2 short of catching 50 fish. So, you guessed it, we spent another 2 hours trying to put 2 slimy somethings in the boat so young Ryan could tell his mom we caught 50 fish. Finally, off the deep side of Area 99, two juvenile white bass cooperated and we wrapped things up.

On our way in we took a quick look at Cowhouse Point; there were several boats and what looked like very little action on the now glassy smooth surface, so we headed to the dock.

As we were heading home Ryan paid me the nicest compliment I ever got in the guide business. He said: Mr. Bob, I’ve never fished before and you’re an expert, but I caught more fish than you … I guess ’cause you’re a good teacher.

Made my day!!

TALLY = 50 FISH, all caught and released

Bob Maindelle, Owner Holding The Line Guide Service and Kids Fish, Too! Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide, Belton Lake Fishing Guide, Lake Georgetown Fishing Guide, Walter E. Long (Decker) Lake Fishing Guide. Offering Salado Fishing, Killeen Fishing and Ft. Hood Fishing

22 JANUARY 2008

Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Report by Killeen Fishing Guide Bob Maindelle

Fished a quick solo morning trip today from 6:45am to 9am. At launch time the air temp was 38F and the water surface temp was 52F. Winds were 7-8 from the southeast.

At first light I headed out to look for birds. At sunrise, what is becoming fairly predictable gull and tern activity redeveloped at Area 89 on the NE facing slope down to 25′. I stayed here for the duration of the trip and caught a mixed bag on slabs.

The catch consisted of only 10 fish today – 8 whites of various sizes and 2 keeper largemouth.

Tally = 10 FISH, all caught and released

Bob Maindelle, Owner Holding The Line Guide Service and Kids Fish, Too! Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide, Belton Lake Fishing Guide, Lake Georgetown Fishing Guide, Walter E. Long (Decker) Lake Fishing Guide. Offering Salado Fishing, Killeen Fishing and Ft. Hood Fishing

21 JANUARY 2008

Belton Lake Fishing Report by Belton Lake Fishing Guide Bob Maindelle

Fished a half-day KIDS FISH, TOO! trip on Belton Lake today with Brandon and Austin K., two fine young boys from Killeen. Brandon (4th Grade) and Austin (1st Grade) are brothers; their dad is serving in Iraq for another 11 months, so we gave their mom some much deserved down time today.

We launched at 7:15am and wrapped up when cold feet got the best of little Austin around 12:15pm. The air temp at launch time was 42F (and only warmed to 47F) with a light rain falling the entire trip. The water surface temp was 52F.

As is typical of nasty winter days, both the bird and fish activity was pretty brief and low key at first light, but then re-occurred in very short spurts over the course of the day. At the first area we tried (south of Area 27) we found fish scattered and tight to bottom over a slow slope in 24 to 34 feet of water. Not being too sure of how the boys were going to tolerate the cold, I first took a downrigging approach at these fish I was seeing on sonar. These fish were very sluggish and wanted nothing to do with a fast moving lure. So, we dropped the slabs overboard and I watched the boys closely to make sure they were keeping them near bottom. We immediately had success as the boys got the hang of slabbing and kept the fish coming over the side slowly but surely for about 2 1/2 hours. By 9:45am we had boated 23 fish (including 4 short hybrids, 5 short whites, and 14 keeper whites). Things then quieted down.

We took a short trip back to the ramp to enjoy some snacks, hot chocolate, and the truck’s heater, and then headed back out on the water around 10:30am.

I had the boys hunker down behind the console as I covered water quickly looking for any manner of bird activity during a brief window of time where the light fog lifted.

We found a single flock of birds working over open water, and sonar revealed that several loosely associated schools of white bass suspended between 20-30 feet over a 40 bottom were pushing shad to the surface. This was a difficult situation, as the fish were not active enough for downrigging, and slabbing for suspended fish was a tad too technical for the boys. So, we tried downrigging into the wind to slow the boat to a crawl and managed a few fish this way. Then, we got a break when we found scattered fish oriented on the bottom in this same vicinity (Area 97). Again, down went the slabs and up came the fish. In all, we added 13 fish to our count following our break, including 1 keeper hybrid, and 12 keeper whites, all of which went 13-14 inches (somewhat of a rarity on Belton these days).

TOTAL CATCH = 36 FISH, all caught and released.

Bob Maindelle, Owner Holding The Line Guide Service and Kids Fish, Too! Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide, Belton Lake Fishing Guide, Lake Georgetown Fishing Guide, Walter E. Long (Decker) Lake Fishing Guide. Offering Salado Fishing, Killeen Fishing and Ft. Hood Fishing

15 JANUARY 2008

Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Report by Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide Bob Maindelle

Fished a quick, solo, morning trip tonight on Stillhouse to keep my finger on the pulse of the white bass movement to stage prior to the spawn. I fished from 7am to 9:30am.

I searched some uplake areas including some shallow flats and some areas adjacent to the main rive channel. These was ample bait showing on sonar, but not much in the way of gamefish. A fair number of terns was working in this area, but none bunched up and actively diving indicating the presence of fish.

I moved back down toward mid-lake and checked out some channel edges with little success.

Moving shallower (since the water is still 52-53 F), I went and check out a shallow hump at Area 89.

I found a mixed bag of fish here on the NE facing slope down around 23-25 feet. This was the only location I seriously fished, and I stayed on it a long time as the fish continued to show on sonar and never completely shut down until around 11am.

I wound up with 2 keeper largemouth, a keeper crappie, and 7 whites, of with 4 were beefy females.

Tally = 10 fish, all caught and released

Bob Maindelle, Owner Holding The Line Guide Service and Kids Fish, Too! Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide, Belton Lake Fishing Guide, Lake Georgetown Fishing Guide, Walter E. Long (Decker) Lake Fishing Guide. Offering Salado Fishing, Killeen Fishing and Ft. Hood Fishing

12 JANUARY 2008

Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Report by Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide Bob Maindelle

Fished a half-day morning trip today from 6:50a to 12:30p. At launch time the air temp. was 46F and the water surface temp was 53F. The winds were light from the south, but slowly shifted west, then northwest as a quick, dry cold front moved through over the afternoon hours.

Fishing was tough today. There still seems to be very little white bass action upstream of the Union Grove Area. Birds are abundant, but are not focused on shad driven to the surface by fish.

I fished only two areas today – Areas 89 and 90. I got on Area 89 when terns were working over two loons. I knew the loons had to be on shad, and the area has enough topography to hold fish so down went the slabs. Over a 3 hour span, 18 fish came off the area, including 4 white bass from 16 to 16.25 inches and a 3.75 pound largemouth. 2 smaller black bass and 11 smaller white bass were also landed here. All fish were on bottom in 19-15 feet. By 10:30 things shut down as this area was no longer impacted by wind as it was when winds were from the south.

I moved to align on topography impacted by the west wind on Area 90 and found fish on sonar showing at 20-23 feet on bottom. I buoyed these fish as the wind was picking up quickly at this point. Slabs went down and 2 white bass and a largemouth came up. By 12:15 things got real quiet and we called it a day.

Total catch was 17 white bass, and 4 largemouth bass.

Tally = 21 FISH, all caught and released

09 JANUARY 2008

Belton Lake Fishing Report by Belton Lake Fishing Guide Bob Maindelle

We had the most productive day I’ve ever shared on the water with clients with exactly 361 fish boated by a party of 3 including Jerry W., Dusty R., and Daniel K. of Killeen and Harker Heights.

We fished a full day trip from 7a to 4:30p. At launch time the air temp was 34F and the water temp was 52F. Air temps rose to the low 60’s during the day.

The day broke down into 3 distinct parts, all driven by wind. From pre-dawn through 11:45 we had a SW breeze gently tapering from 9+ mph pre-dawn down to calm by 11:45. During this time the slabbing bite remained wonderfully consistent. Locating fish was aided by, but not dependent upon, birds. There were several times when birds led us to fish, but fishing stayed hot well after birds departed. As is typical for this cold water season, a still slab did better than an actively jigged lure. A long stretch of water from Area to Area was most productive – we fished about 5 areas in between to account for 282 fish. Of these fish, we experienced a 30/70 hybrid to white bass ratio. 60-70 percent of the whites were legal, but only two exceeded 11.5 inches. Of the hybrids, only 3 were legal, with the largest exactly 3.75 pounds, and the majority of the remainder going just slightly larger than the largest of the white bass, at about 12 to 12.75 inches.

At 11:45 the wind stopped and the fishing crashed. We took an on the water lunch break and I setup downlines with live shad hoping to tempt something a little larger. We tried shallow, deep, points, humps, channels sections, and near timber, and came up with only one short hybrid and a nice blue cat over a 3 hour span.

By 3pm the wind was once again sustained, this time out of the SSE. Once the water started moving again for 20-30 minutes, the fish turned back on. We located fish off a point between Area 19 and Area 84. From around 3:15 to 4:30 we put an additional 79 fish in the boat consisting of the same ratios of whites and hybrids. The very last fish of the day was a jumbo bluegill, the length of which eclipsed the current lake record, but, alas, the weight fell short of that record. It struck a jigging spoon and went 8 7/8 inches and a shade over 0.50 pounds. A great ending to a great day!

Total = 361 fish, all caught and released