07 AUGUST 2008

Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Report by Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide Bob Maindelle


Start Time: 6:45a

End Time: 1:15p

Air Temp: 76F

Water Temp: 84.3

Wind: Dead calm at trip’s start, with a steady SSW breeze of about 11 mph

Skies: Skies were mostly clear under the influence of increasing high pressure following the passage of Tropical Storm Edouard.

I fished a half day Kids Fish, Too! trip this morning with little Robbie D. of Harker Heights. Robbie’s dad is in Iraq and his mom works hard at the VA, so we spared him a little day care time today by going out in God’s creation.

Since Robbie just turned 6, I gave him some fundamental casting lessons using a closed face reel while at dockside. He caught on pretty well and we headed out after the big ones.

Our first stop was in the Area 204, 205, 206 region, and, right at the crack of dawn, good schools of white bass began pushing shad to the surface.

Robbie and I fished over these aggressively feeding schools until 8:34a, when the last school disappeared. Over this time, Robbie managed 32 fish all by himself on a Tiny Torpedo.

We hung around this area a while longer hoping for some minor resurgence on top, but none was to be had. We did managed a 12″ white bass and a ¾ pound drum on a minnow-rigged tightline as we just hovered in the area.

After figuring the fish weren’t going to rise to the surface any longer, we headed to Area 209 and took a hard look at sonar as we downrigged with Lunker Lickers. These lures did their job fluttering down at 25-30 feet and allowed us to tag another 10 fish in short order, including a nice 3.5 pound largemouth, and a 15.75 inch white bass.

As we downrigged, I glassed over the surface and soon picked up on some topwater feeding by pods of largemouth between Areas 32 and 217. Robbie and I headed over to the action and, with a combination of topwater presentations when the fish were showing, and vertical jigging when they were not, managed to finish off the day with an even 50 fish after boating 4 blacks and 2 whites here.

TALLY = 50 FISH, all caught and released.

Bob Maindelle, Owner Holding The Line Guide Service and Kids Fish, Too! Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide, Belton Lake Fishing Guide, Lake Georgetown Fishing Guide, Walter E. Long (Decker) Lake Fishing Guide. Offering Salado Fishing, Killeen Fishing and Ft. Hood Fishing

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