Fished a scouting trip today on Stillhouse and spent more time looking at sonar and searching for birds than I did fishing. I searched the lower end of the lake beyond the usual stops looking especially for bait concentrations, but found little. A humid, cold SE wind usually means tough fishing, and that is what I found today.
Start Time: 1:45p
End Time: 5:25p
Air Temp: 47F at sunrise, warming to 57 by mid afternoon.
Water Temp: 62.4F
Wind: Winds were light but steady from the SE at 6 to 8 all day until around 4pm, they they tapered off to flat calm.
Skies: Skies were leaden grey all day.
Despite lots of time spent looking, I found few birds, fish, or bait today. Here’s a quick summary of the little success I did enjoy.
Area 242: Caught one white bass out of a suspended school on my very first drop fishing in 38 feet of water with a 1/4 oz. slab. The school appeared at around 13 feet deep. I stayed here longer than I normally would hoping additional white bass would show, but the only other catch here was 5 smallish largemouth. Each of these was alone and was suspended, but closer to the bottom than the white bass were. The largest went 14 inches. Moved about 30 yards to the SSE and caught two more small largemouth here – same exact scenario as above.
Area 149: Found white bass hugging bottom via sonar. Dropped a slab down and got an initial reaction, but these fish settled down very quickly and then turned off altogether after just a short burst of activity. Caught 6 whites; all struck a still slab on bottom in 24 feet.
Area 110: Saw an osprey hesitate in flight several times over this area and thought it may have spotted white bass feeding near the surface. Got there quickly and began fancasting a blade bait and wound up with 3 short largemouth. Never did see anything that looked like gamefish feeding here.
TALLY = 17 FISH, all caught and released
Bob Maindelle, Owner, Holding The Line Guide Service and Kids Fish, Too! Stillhouse Hollow Fishing Guide, Belton Lake Fishing Guide, Lake Georgetown Fishing Guide, Walter E. Long (Decker) Lake Fishing Guide. Offering Salado Fishing, Killeen Fishing and Ft. Hood Fishing